


Background: Soft tissue or bony injury especially fracture-dislocations can cause stiffness resulting in decrease finger and hand function. In this study dynamic traction was used for restoration of alignment and fixation of fractures.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in a hospital in Isfahan. Eighteen patients with 10 forth finger, 5 fifth and 3 third finger injuries were treated with dynamic traction for fracture dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joints between 2001-2006. Two fine k-wires were used – each on one side of the broken joint. Rubber bands were used to connect the pin and maintain traction on the fracture. All the fractures had involvement of more than 40% of articular surfaces. While active motion was started the next day, the fixator was left in place for 4-6 weeks. The mean age of patients was 24 (18-39 years). They were assessed clinically and rediographically nine months (8-23 months) after surgery.Results: All the patients achieved :::union::: with an average joint motion of 92 degrees (82 to 98). Four patients had 10 degrees extension lag and 3 cases had 10 degrees of flexion contracture. Joint congruity was obtained all but two cases who have decrease in joint space.Conclusions: Dynamic traction with pins and robber band permit early motion with early soft tissue and bone healing in complex proximal interphalangeal joint soft finger.
